Friday, September 20, 2013

upward, to be inserted, will draw the angle of the mouth directly backward.

Teeth have always been very scary to me. When i was six years old i broke my jaw, and i have been in and out of different sergeries, root cannals and other oral operations ever since.  These opperations scare me, and cause me to look at the mouth in a very different way.  Teeth, Jaws and bones are scary. As i started to realize the creepy nature teeth, i began to understand that almost everything in our mouths is scary. Our gums, our toung, all the glands, artiries, and veins all are freaky.

As i sat down to draw one day, the haunting images of teeth and mouths wouldn't seem to leave my head.  So as i started to sketch out my first ideas of this peice, i wanted everyone else to SEE mouth anatomy for what it is. Creepy.  


When i finished the water color i was so proud of this peice and thought that there was nothing else i could do to improve it. Until i showed the art teachers, and they explained i needed to make it pop more. I didn't understand what they ment by "pop"or "value" or "katelynn stop being so afraid of the dark"

So i darkened it up more.

And added a green background. 

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